Thursday, December 20

my heart is so full.

You know, I'm not sure of anything sweeter than receiving the unwavering, naive love of your child. They know nothing of your faults, annoyances... faults. They just love. With passion. Yeah, yeah, you could say that it's sweeter when one loves aware of your shortcomings and continues loving regardless. That's true. But there's something so so sweet about the purity in my baby's eyes as she pours out her affections on her Mama. That would be me. She would be happy to cuddle, hold hands, play with my hair, snuggle on the couch and give love kisses all day long... with maybe a little Elmo mixed in there somewhere... and for sure some Dada comfort throughout.... This is her life. This is all she needs. And that, for some reason is just sweet to me. My heart is full. I hope for a bigger family.... more kids, the kitchen table a mess with glitter, glue and bits of cut up construction paper... kitchen counters messier than they should be from baking because you let your tiny babes lend a hand... these are the joys of my heart. Messes made from tiny hands are somehow endearing to me. Yes, my heart if full. And ready to be fuller still.

(is *fuller* a word?)

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