Thursday, August 30
Tuesday, August 28
summer princess.
on a summer's eve.
a princess in her courts...
climbing down from her balcony to meet..... her Mama!
a true girly girl.
pretty little cowgirl princess.
fairy of the forest.
sprinkling forest fairy straw all around.
and loving every minute.
Posted by
Christine Sweet
7:13 PM
Sweetwater. *sigh.*
Jersey had a blast, as did her Mama & Dada! Many memories to share...
fish swims in the pool...
breakfasts with Grams... Mama has always loved that too.
boat rides.... Jersey, *doop, doop!* that's what she calls it.
her first driving lesson with Grandad...
*hop, hop!* (translation: *hold me, Grandad*)
bathtime of course.... always a favorite, but not always in the mood for a photo. :)
yummy dinners...
another day at the pool...
Jers enjoys the independence of standing alone in the Kiddie Pool, Grams nearby. :)
new floaties... LOVED them... especially Mama. so cute.
a new love, *floating* on her back. she is such a fish...
warm cuddles with Mama for an in-pool nap. *sigh*
I love these pictures... thanks Bri for loving me enough to jump out of the pool 500 times for those *gotta have it* shots. I love you so much, you're so awesome! :)
check out those eyelashes! (click on it to see it bigger!)
post swim snack while Dada ties up the boat.
waterfall fun! she is definately her Daddy's daughter.... and her Grams' grandaughter for that matter! oh my!
look at this girl.... she is so crazy. LOVES the water!
oh, and the boat... she wanted to just sit under the waterfall with the water beating down on the roof of her boat. if you took her away... *hmm, hmm!* pointing to her favorite spot, wanting to go back under.
Dada kisses, so sweet!
she loved playing on the steps, again its that independence thing.
telling the swimmers all about it... she seriously thinks the somethin' (she's right).
refreshing beverage with Ruffner. (mug, compliments of Grams & Grandad!)
tupperware party!
dancing with his girl...
*1, 2, 3.... JUMP!*
storytime in that beeeeauuuutiful bed!
ok, I LOVE these pictures. get ready to oooh and ahhhh! seriously.
final ride... *sniff, sniff*
my handsome hubby! woo hoo!
Until next time...
Posted by
Christine Sweet
5:50 PM