Sunday, April 27

nothin' like a good book on a pretty day.

her *castle*

no forts in this house... yet. for right now we play with baby dolls, my little ponies, and if we build something... it's a castle.

and inside is nothing else but... all things baby and girl.

corn on the cob.

i LOVE watching her eat corn on the cob. :)

yes, I bribed her.

It was just a harmless popsicle... :)

oh, my Landon.

I had the absolute privelege of escorting my awesome nephew to his t-ball game on Saturday. It was hilarious... *Take me out to the Ball Game* even played. Here are a few snaps of the game! :)

Thursday, April 24


well? can you translate?

This is Jersey telling you what she's getting in September! a brother!

yep! ***It's a BOY!!!***

We are beyond thrilled... I can't believe God has given us both a boy and a girl... we were secretly hoping for a boy addition to the fam and God delivered. Wow! I don't know what to do with a boy... my life is full of all things GIRL... I need help! :)

I'll post the ultrasound picture soon!

Wednesday, April 23


soup and bread. she loves to dip, just like Mama. :)

i can't resist her in these slippers... especially when combined with a sundress. too cute.

dinner conversation.

Me: Daddy is so silly!
Jersey: (with hugemongous giggly grin...) Daddy si-ee!

Brian: Jersey you're so cute.
Jersey: Jo-sey TUTE!

Me: Jersey's pretty.
Jersey: (a short pause...) Jo-sey Boo-i-ful!

*What?!?!* Oh my, out of nowhere... sort of. She's never said that word before. It's just amazing how things click in their little minds all of the sudden. Not to mention what she actually said. Oh so sweet.

this is really her *heart*

these are not random moments caught. this is truly Jersey anytime music is playing and anytime we're in a worship service. this girl loves to worship and sing to Jesus, and it's so sincere. ahhh... these photos were actually taken during a practice but it's at least a glimse into her little life as a worshipper...

i love this little moment between Jersey and Lydia. Isn't Lydia beautiful?!?!

Tuesday, April 22

jersey talking about baby#2

Me: Jersey, what's the baby doing in there?

Jersey: Go-ing (translation: growing)
Me: How big is the baby?

Jersey: She holds up her hands, palms facing each other and measures at just the right size of baby #2 right now.

Me: What are you going to do when the baby comes out?

Jersey: Hone baby! (translation: Hold baby!)

Jersey: Hud, mm, mm, mm! (translation: Hug, the sound you make when you're hugging someone tight!)

Jersey: Tiss! (well, you can figure that one out!)

**She is so into this baby already. And this just shows her sweet and pure little heart. ahhhh, I love this girl!

she's getting so big.

this girl *loves* showers!

and the best part is right afterwards... this is what she does SO often while I'm getting ready. washing her hands, putting on make-up, emptying little containers of bobby pins, and reading books... all the while in nothing at all.

Tuesday, April 1

big sis in training.

double click to view big! :)