Sunday, July 29

well, it sounded like a charming idea...

with an overdose of Goodnight Moon on our hands and the fact that Jersey loves nothing more than snuggling up with Mama and a good book, I thought what sweeter way to spend our morning as a family.


she was so not interested, though these snaps might tell a different tale. We were fortunate enough to ambush those rare moments where she wasn't squirming to get out of our arms but instead looking at the book. :)

Mama's turn.

notice the little one's hand trying to slam the book shut.

when it's all said and done, our charming ideas of family time sometimes get surpassed by good ole fashioned tickle time on the floor with messy hair and dirty pj's. and there's nothing more charming than that.

just cute.

Saturday, July 28

the sound of a little girl's giggles.

seeing her thrilled is an addiction. i want more. i can't get enough, and i'll do most anything to see it again. most anything.

*ash ja baba. aaaaaa low la losh. asob ala da da da da.*

childhood silliness. pure joy to see.

and you've got to see her get the tickle monster treatment by her Dada. ahhh. the joy is overwhelming. it actually made me cry one day watching her.

smile baby smile. and giggle 'til it's just not funny anymore.


family day. 07. 28. 07

an unfortunate truth: one of Jers' favorite things is watching Praise Baby. (the unfortunate part being the watching not the Praise. Veggie Tales lasted only a moment. BORING to her. She thinks watching something with people talking is way overrated. She wants video with music.

the tongue thing totally reminds me of her cousin Ansley. LOVE that!

chillin' like every baby should on a day like this.

look at my babe. that smile gets me every time. :)

baby steps. but steps just the same.

*do you want to walk, Jersey?*
with a side nod and a smile.

wow. this girl just 14 months ago was a little burrito snug in my arms.

*YAY!!!!!* applause. applause, with every fall. it's almost more fun that walking.

Thursday, July 26

rubber ducky, you're the ONLY one.

do you like the black & white or the color?

*huh, huh!* (translation: *where is my duck?*)

trying to escape.

Tuesday, July 24

don't cry, baby. don't cry.

I know, I know. Bad Mama.
...for the record, this is the only one I took, then she was whisked away for cuddle time.

oh, and this photo was taken with my new Canon 30D. but don't look too close, I haven't figured out how to actually use it yet. But couldn't resist a few snaps!

Sunday, July 22

ritual #3.

Date Night.
(Jersey at Grandma & Pop Pop's)

Everytime is different. And everytime is sweet. Whether it's eating McDonald's take-out in the Wal-Mart parking lot or sipping a delicious latte at Starbucks, walking around "Purple Pond", a picnic on the docks of Waterside or browsing Home Depot dreaming of the day we can live on the Bay and do laundry in one of those 5000 dollar washers. It's all the same because we're always together. Who knew the simple things could be so sweet? I LOVE my babe! He is annoyingly fantastic and loves endlessly. What more could you ask for? He never tires of trying to unravel the mystery of complex me. :) Here's to you honey love and here's to every Friday night for the next 80 years!

Then we'll just have to order in!

ritual #2.


*Time for time with Jesus, Brian!*

That's what I call out each night at bedtime. Dada reads her a story or two and then lays on the queen size bed that's in her room. Jersey is now in the rocker with Mama with her passy in her mouth and bunny and blanket in hand.

*huh, huh!* as she nods her head to the side pointing at the book she wants to read.

Daily readings from the Princess Bible.
One or two verses from her big girl Bible.
Good Night Moon, The Big Red Barn, or Guess How much I Love You.

*Do you want to lay down with Mama?* Time for a Jersey-Mama bear cuddle in the rocker as I sing Amazing Grace or Brahm's lullaby over my little muffin. Finally I pray to Jesus that she would be aware of Him and find her comfort in Him alone. Each day gets easier and easier, and sweeter for sure.

Saturday, July 21

ritual #1.

Post-Nap snuggles.

When Jersey wakes up from her nap she just needs a little quiet time with Mama. She melts into me. We go and sit on the couch or somewhere else super comfy and share warm cuddles.



thanks to the awesomeness of Chris & Kirstin.

11 words. popcorn. junior mints. milk duds. cherry sours. love. thoughtfulness and Redbox.

thanks guys! you guys rock our faces off!!!
(I have to admit, Kirs that I'm a little embarrassed having just written the phrase "rock our faces off" on my blog. I'm going to go ahead and push the blame off on you.)

flat tire. our first.

watching from the car. she thought this adventure was great fun. me, not so much.

i had to get this shot through the side view window because i didn't want the tire changing man to see me taking the picture. he would for sure think i was nuts. and he would be right. why can't I just live life and not have to document EVERY SINGLE event?!?!?!

another first. totally worth it. :)


sugar foot.

photographing my Dad's ponds just had to be interrupted by some sugar foot time. that's what he calls her. that's how he introduces her.

sugar foot, sugar foot...

...easy lovin' Pop Pop's punkin', sugar foot.

crawlin' round, pullin up and down. there is no one who is cuter in the world...

the wind that blows, it comes and goes could've been my only home. but Mama came along, and Brian and Christie and I didn't want to roam.

that's the song he sings to her. sweet.