Wednesday, October 31
Monday, October 29
Jersey's friends! Playgroup fun.
could these pictures be any cuter?!?!?! oh my goodness, look at the 2 of them. Meet her Graham. his Mama and I are working out the arrangaments for their marriage as we speak...
Michelle, I'd have more of Hayden but several were blurry for some reason. Even these aren't as sharp as I'd like but they're still darn sweet!
Reagan Elise...
this next one is totally my favorite. look at those sweet little hands...
she fell asleep while cuddling with her Auntie Christie. *sigh*
Posted by
Christine Sweet
10:31 AM
Tuesday, October 23
girls night in!
It's a tradition Jersey and I started when Brian started seminary. When he goes to class, we have girl time. It's all about being free and being girly.
taken with the timer... what fun!
this is the *being free* part. i love this girl is nothing but a diaper! and we can, because it's girls night in. we can do whatever we want. :)
hugs from my girl are oh so sweet...
Posted by
Christine Sweet
7:14 PM
Monday, October 22
finally... nags head vacation pics!
love this photo...
how sweet is that?!?!?
Jersey fell in love with this rubber snake at a local tourist shop and my parents couldn't resist.
these are some of my favorite pictures I've taken. These are in front of an old dumpster next to our beach house. cool huh?!?!
Aidan's 2nd Birthday!
he'll do anything to make those kids smile.
a treat for me and Ker Bear. mmmmmm.....
my brother is such a wierdo!
thanks Nicole for pulling me in that FREEZING cold pool. It was a blast!
the kids didn't seem to notice the ungodly temperature that it was...
Posted by
Christine Sweet
1:06 PM