Tuesday, October 9

everyday luxury.

We're in the bedroom downstairs, at our own private family getaway (Brian's parents home in MB... beautiful resort-like home away from home), Jersey asleep on a homemade pallet on the floor.

I open my eyes, aware of the ungodly hour it seems to be, I notice Jersey stirring. I decide to watch my girl to see what she'll do when she finally wakes up. I love watching her when she's unaware on anyone around her. She's laying on her tummy, little bottom in the air, finally waking up. She gets to a crawl position and looks all around her, trying to get her bearings. She sits up, puts her passy in her mouth and scoops up her *Sah-ba* (translation: her stuck like glue cuddle bunny) and proceeds to give her a few sweet hugs. She then gets up and walks over to my side of the bed, reaches up and grabs a handful of my hair and lays her head down on the side of the bed. She stays like that for the longest time.

How sweets it is... I love how connected we are.

Eventually, in her tiny sleepyhead voice, I hear *Mama...*

I then enjoyed my everyday luxury of snuggling with my favorite girl before the day begins. Sweet. Very sweet.

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