Wednesday, December 26
Thursday, December 20
just my girl.
snug as a bug in her stroller while I have a quick photo session with a few friends! i really like these 2 photos, I don't know quite why...
Jersey at playgroup. Tentative, pensive... I'm realizing my girl has a shy side.
Posted by
Christine Sweet
1:58 PM
my heart is so full.
You know, I'm not sure of anything sweeter than receiving the unwavering, naive love of your child. They know nothing of your faults, annoyances... faults. They just love. With passion. Yeah, yeah, you could say that it's sweeter when one loves aware of your shortcomings and continues loving regardless. That's true. But there's something so so sweet about the purity in my baby's eyes as she pours out her affections on her Mama. That would be me. She would be happy to cuddle, hold hands, play with my hair, snuggle on the couch and give love kisses all day long... with maybe a little Elmo mixed in there somewhere... and for sure some Dada comfort throughout.... This is her life. This is all she needs. And that, for some reason is just sweet to me. My heart is full. I hope for a bigger family.... more kids, the kitchen table a mess with glitter, glue and bits of cut up construction paper... kitchen counters messier than they should be from baking because you let your tiny babes lend a hand... these are the joys of my heart. Messes made from tiny hands are somehow endearing to me. Yes, my heart if full. And ready to be fuller still.
(is *fuller* a word?)
Posted by
Christine Sweet
4:54 AM
Wednesday, December 19
this is real to her... not just a mere doll.
*mip, mip!* (translation: *milk, milk, my baby needs milk!*)
this is no joke. this is her child.
aaaaaaand we're done. easy enough. grab the baby by the bottom of her blanket dumping her promptly onto the floor and on the the next thing. but it's still real. her baby just doesn't mind being thrown around like a piece of old fabric. not a bit.
and she must be swaddled at all times. every good Mama knows they feel more secure that way. and so there she stays.
Posted by
Christine Sweet
10:16 AM
Thursday, December 13
it was inevitable...
oh, but it's so precious. i confess that i've looked forward to the day that i find my little girl covered in Mama's make-up... i gave her my make-up bag to play with while i was getting ready... *uh oh, uh oh, uh oh* as she points to her leg smeared with lipstick. and yes, some got on the sheets but i'm too much of a mush to care.
Posted by
Christine Sweet
2:39 PM
Friday, December 7
i tried...
I saw this great photo idea of putting 2 glass ornaments on the floor in front of your Christmas Tree and taking a shot of them with it reflecting the tree. Well, with a toddler on the loose, that isn't exactly what happened. Jersey wanted to decorate..... so I did what any photography Mom would do... I snapped a few of my girl trying so hard to get that darn thing to hang upside down...
*I'm gonna put it right here Mama, ok?*
Oh, did you catch that? I let my toddler play with 2 glass ornaments. And SHE did what any toddler would do and beat them together with full toddler passion.
*uh oh! uh oh! uh oh!*
Yes sweet girl, uh oh, but it's ok. Mama will clean it up...
Posted by
Christine Sweet
5:30 PM
Monday, December 3
our *Christmas house*
Jersey's very 1st Christmas Frame Ornament. Every year she gets one with a picture of her, this one a pic of Mama & Dada in the background ~ Jersey hidden away until May of '06 :)
This special ornament given by my sis Kim last year for Jersey's 1st Christmas :)
The Family Tree, donned with all the funky ornaments the kids make and strung with the happiest of colored twinkle lights!
Jersey's ornament for her 1st Christmas! (this year's ornament will be pictured later for sure!)
and at last.... Jersey's very own Winter Wonderland...
Posted by
Christine Sweet
8:17 PM