Monday, December 3

*trimming the tree*

it began with baking Snickerdoodles for later...

Jersey is very good at helping... and at tasting!

the tree is in the house! Jersey is more interested in the red and white stones on the floor...

oh, oh, oh, don't eat them!!!!! why do I let my 18 month old play with things like this?!?!

Stringing the lights...

Daddy's helper. She is so fun in those pj's. Ahhhh... my Christmas bear.

Eyes fixed on *Elmo Saves Christmas* :)

How sweet it is to have a little girl around on Christmas. Your very own girl. Your very own perfect piece of heaven.

Brian always laughs when I pull out the lights and say *here you go honey!* Our first Christmas I informed him that the man always strung the lights in my family growing up, so on the tradition is passed to you my dear. :) And he does a fine job. Just a beautiful job! :)

Shaking the lights for Daddy. *Do you see me Daddy? Do I make you smile?* Oh yes sweet sunshine, you do nothing but.

Our tangled mess. Jersey helps. When will we wise up and do something different than balling them up and shoving them in a bin? :)

A perfect end to a perfect Christmasy night! Hot Cocoa and Snickerdoodles. Jersey was in heaven. And so were we.

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