Wednesday, May 21

my favorite day of the year...

Mother's Day 2008 with my firstborn.

Jersey with her Aunt Kimbery!

couldn't resist a photo of Logan bear!

and with her Aunt T! We're going to miss you T... but we'll see you before you know it!!!

I love this next one... I like the composition but mostly her face.

We started the day at church with Brian's family, which was fantastic, then headed back to our house for lunch. Once everyone left at around 4:30, Jersey and I decided to have a Mother's Day date at Starbucks! She fell asleep in the car, which ended up being perfect. I had brought this wonderful book on praying scriptures over your kids and my Mama journal. I just held her and read and sipped coffee. Mmmmm.... it was really nice. Then just before bed we broke out the camera! I held it out and we made silly faces... super fun! Man, I love this girl!

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