Monday, July 16

more of Jesus. less of Mama.

Just decided with Brian that because rocking our girl to sleep now at 14 months is becoming a disruption to everyone's sleep, we'd transition her into a different routine.

and finally Nite Nite.

It's going to be a hard move. In fact, the struggle is going on as I write.

She had finally quieted down after almost an hour of whaling, intervals of Mama & Dada comfort and more whaling. I tip-toed upstairs to check on the status of my girl. Quiet as a Mama mouse I peer in.

What I saw melted my heart to gooey mush. My Jersey, weary from journeying this new road she faced was sitting up in the corner of her crib, eyes closed, nodding. My sweet baby fell asleep while sitting. :( This continued for several minutes of Dada looking on, his heart in the same state as mine, and some video footage to remember the rarity of this moment.

We decided together. We wanted to help her get comfy. We were both afraid it would wake her up and make the situation worse, but wierdly it seemed worth it at the time.

So here I sit, my baby's almost blissful sleep interrupted, now crying again. Poor Brian. I could see his defeat. He felt responsible since he was the one that actually attempted the smooth move.

God's peace to you little one. God's peace. May He rock you now in sweet Jesus love and be your home.

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